The Paradox factions are the first to invade, causing much loss of civilian life as they are met with panicking citizens who may as well be under an alien invasion, causing mass resentment among the Rise of the Reds faction who swear to fight to the bitter end. All orbital assets of both Earths are in place, and existing hostilities have ceased so that one Earth may crush the other. There are portals all over both planets that allow for massive movement of troops between each earth. Can a Sentinel defeat an Apocalypse tank? How many Guardians can a Leopard kill? Can the Confederates outfox the GLA? Will the atomic kingdom drown in overlords? Can the Empire of the Rising sun bring down the USA? The deadly serious Rise of the Reds Earth vs the delightfully silly Paradox universe. Tzeentch in his never ending schemes ROB in it's never ending boredom has decided to pit two of the most ambitious C&C mods against one another in an all out war.